Welcome Rehab Patients & Families!
We are excited to offer a cutting-edge solution that makes remote care more accessible and practical.
Medical Memory is a HIPAA-compliant app that empowers families to record their children’s progress from home.
These recordings can then be securely shared with our expert rehab team for thorough evaluation and ongoing care.
Why Choose Remote Video Check-ins?
Convenience: Record at times that suit your family's schedule.
Peace of Mind: Stay connected with your child’s care team, even from a distance.
Comprehensive Care: Get detailed evaluations and tailored advice from our rehab specialists, just as you would in person.
How it Works
Capture your child's activities, exercises, or any concerns using the easy-to-use Medical Memory app.
Videos are automatically uploaded securely and directly to our rehab team through the app. Rest assured, all recordings are protected under HIPAA regulations.
Gillette Children’s specialized rehab care team will review the video, assess your child's progress, and provide personalized feedback and recommendations.
Quick Q&A
Where do I get an Authorization Code?​
You must obtain an Authorization for the Medical Memory Provider App from your Rehab Care Team at Gillette Children’s
Still having issues? Contact support at 855-500-0051 or Support@TheMedicalMemory.com
Did my video upload to my care team?
Once you save and Send your video, it is automatically uploaded. However, you need to ensure that you leave your App open until the video fully uploads for the facility to access. You can check the upload status on the app's home screen and tap the Upload Cloud in the upper right-hand corner, next to the Settings Gear.
The green status dot is Ready for Viewing by your care team.
The red status dot indicates an error. If the upload isn't complete, try holding the dot for the 'Retry' option to appear and contact Support.
Yellow status dot is pending upload, keep App open until complete.​
Still, having issues? Contact support at 855-500-0051 or Support@TheMedicalMemory.com
Can I view the video I recorded?
The videos are uploaded to a secure site that is accessible by your care team only. If your facility approves, they can share the video with you with a secure link.​
Still having issues? Contact support at 855-500-o051 or Support@TheMedicalMemory.com